Improve your dental health with a dental implant Melbourne

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A dental implant Melbourne is an excellent piece of technology that has become the gold standard in tooth replacement over the last few decades. Although dental implants were first developed in the early 1960s, the last 30 years have seen a surge in their use for tooth replacement. 

Before dental implants became popular, most people replaced missing teeth with crowns, bridges or sets of dentures, depending on how many teeth needed replacing. A crown can be used to replace a tooth with an existing root structure or a tooth that has been partially damaged but is still relatively intact. A bridge is an excellent method of replacing a missing tooth when there are healthy adjacent teeth. Bridges used to be the most popular method of tooth replacement with good longevity; however, they can weaken the supporting teeth that are being used to bridge the missing tooth, resulting in complications. Dentures sit on your gum line to replace missing teeth and are removable so they can be taken out from your mouth and replaced as necessary; this can be convenient but has its disadvantages as well.

Dr Branemark of Sweden developed dental implants as we know them today. A dental implant is a small titanium screw designed to replace the root of a missing tooth so that a crown or a set of dentures can be attached securely on top to replace the missing tooth. A dental implant is thought to be the next best thing to your natural teeth, which is why it is the most popular choice amongst dentists and patients alike. Dental implants can restore the appearance of your smile, and no one will even notice that you lost a tooth unless you wish to tell them.

Impaired oral function

A dental implant can restore the function of your mouth, which may have been severely affected by tooth loss. There are many consequences of tooth loss, the first being the way you eat. You might not be able to enjoy your favourite foods as you did previously until you replace the tooth. You may not be able to bite or chew properly, and indigestion may become a common occurrence. If you choose to replace your tooth with a dental implant, you will be able to bite and chew as you did before and enjoy all your favourite foods. Unfortunately, this is not possible with removable tooth replacements such as dentures; you would have to choose softer, well-cooked foods that are easier to bite, chew and digest or your dentures may either move out of place or become damaged. 

Bone decay

A dental implant can also help improve your dental health since missing teeth can harm your remaining teeth. When the implant is placed into your jaw, bone cells form around it, locking the implant in place; this helps to strengthen your jaw. In contrast, if you avoid replacing the missing tooth, you will suffer from bone decay because natural teeth stimulate bone growth through chewing and biting, and when the tooth is lost, the bone is no longer stimulated, causing it to shrink and weaken your jaw. Therefore it is essential that you replace your missing tooth as soon as possible to prevent this.

Gum disease

Gum disease is one of the leading causes of tooth loss; however, tooth loss can further increase your chance of developing gum disease because the missing tooth leaves a wound in your gum. A wound is often a warm and wet area that promotes the growth of different types of bacteria, resulting in gum infection and a greater chance of decay of the adjacent teeth. By replacing the missing tooth, you can reduce your chance of gum disease and further tooth loss.

Are dental implants suitable for you?

Speak to your dentist as soon as possible. Unfortunately, not everyone is eligible for dental implants since healthy bones and gums are necessary to support the implant. It is also important that you have no underlying medical conditions such as diabetes; if you do, dental implants may not be suitable for you, and your dentist will provide you with an alternative treatment plan. The longer you wait, the more damage there will be to your jawbone and gums; therefore, you need to try and address the issue quickly. Speak to your dentist today to find out more.


Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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